mercoledì 2 gennaio 2013

The Invisible Man

Registered on Safe Creative

Here We Are: The Invisible Man by Horrible Markus©
The first ever cartoon with no drawings...
(World Première - ITA Eng Subs - Soon in 3D)

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Hi. I'm Jack, the Invisible Man, and I star in Markus's new cartoon
- It is the first strip in cartoons history whose characters are invisible
- Obviouvsly, given that the medium affects the message, Markus's ineptitude as a drawer had its importance in carving his style 

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- One could argue: OK, the character is invisible, but the background? Where's the background?
- The answer is very simple: I, the invisible man, live in the invisible world.
- That Markus has all the luck!

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Ouch! 
- Somebody threw an invisible pie in my face.

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Hey, an invisible flower! I'm going to pick it.
- But...
It was an artificial flower, and it sprayed some invisible water on my face.

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus 
- Well, I was minding my own business.

 Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Bark, bark!
- Rufus, be good!
- I was playing with Rufus, my invisible dog.
- It's not true... it was me that barked, just to kid you...
Ha, ha...

 Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Unfortunately, by being so small-sized, this strip makes the landscape of the invisible city much less dramatic 

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Among the advantages of being invisible, you can stick your finger up your nose in public.

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Ralph! Ralph, my pal! How are you?
- Ralph?
- Um... it ain't Ralph... it's a mailbox...   

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- What a shame, I thought it was my friend Ralph, it was a mailbox, instead..
- Well, let's see the good part... 
- If I could only manage to find that letter I wrote yesterday...

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- (singing)
- How you dare reading this strip while I'm having a shower?
- You debauched!

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Dammit! I forget to buy some cooking salt!
- Now I have got to go back to the supermarket!

- Oh, listen, not that I can always say something fun.

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Oh, no!
- Rats!
- If there's one thing I hate, it's gettin' up on a foggy morning.

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Markus wonders where I find my livelihood, because in no strip so far it looks that I perform any job
- Sssst!
- In this very moment, my boss thinks me to be sitting at my desk

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- These silent movies, they are really boring

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- In the invisible world, it's very easy to mistake one person for another, Jack is right!
- What?
- Is Jack me?
- That's what I just said

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- OK, I am Jack...
- I still have one doubt left from the above strip...
- Who the devil was he I am talking with?

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- I can't stand beaches, so crowded...

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Oh, no...
- I hate when it happens...
- Where the devil did I put my glasses?

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- D'ya think I'm a cowboy?
- Why is it funny, if said by Popeye?

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- We have to punctualize: this comic doesn't deal with matters like...
- Religion... sex... politics... serious diseases... carrots...
- Markus doesn't like carrots.

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Dammit! Because this comic doesn't deal with carrots...
- ...Bugs Bunny refused to be my stooge.
- He was on the verge of signing

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Markus fears the name "Bugs Bunny" to be a copyright of Time Warner inc.
- Therefore, to avoid us a copyright infringement charge by a major company, please read again the above strip and in place of the words "Bugs Bunny" mentally substitute the words "a rabbit".
- Certainly  it's less fun this way.

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Ugh! Why don't you like miming games?

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Markus feared this comic strip to be boring, so he decided to introduce a new character
- An invisible parrot
- Polly wants a cracker
- I, for one, don't think Polly's going to give a big contribution to the strip

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Suddenly I feel useless... empty...
- I don't know what I want in life...
- Polly wants a cracker
- Sorry, folks, our humour is low-level

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
 - Everything goes wrong...
- Taxes... rising prices... trains late... and...
- Polly wants a cracker
- Unfortunately, due to Markus's fondness for comic routines, we are going on and on for a long time

 Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- In the invisible world someone is discriminated against on the basis of skin colour
- What are you saying? How can skin colour be distinguished if we are invisible?
- Oh, does THIS sound absurd to you?

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Jack wants a cracker.
-Variation on a theme. An old trick.

 Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- In the invisible word, if someone is starving on the street, we can't see him...
- ...we don't notice him until he is lying on the sidewalk and he is hindering our way...
- ...then we use to trample him.
- Certainly in your world things are not the same.

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- Polly wants a cracker
- Technically, this strip is a fill-in

Jack, The Invisible Man by Markus
- That's enough! It's time to protest!
- Displaying an invisible banner is an easy but a little hypocrite option, and it's a moron one, too.

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martedì 24 luglio 2012

lunedì 28 maggio 2012

Diritto penitenziale II - Istituzione del giudice inferiore

Ravanando negli archivi segreti dei Giuristi per Naso, è saltato fuori questo pezzo, che è la parodia, ante litteram, come si conviene alla satira veramente buona, di parecchie cose che sarebbero successe dopo.

La prima, preconizzata nello stile del commento, è diffusione virale della editoria elettronica, che riporta, senza capirle, notizie giuridiche sostanzialmente prive senso (la medesima stanca parafrasi della medesima legge o sentenza, ugualmente senza capo né coda,  la puoi trovare in rete in millemila siti diversi... che è gratis ma non serve manco a niente!).

La seconda è la moda delle liberalizzazioni, privatizzazioni, tagli alle spese o, più elegantemente, spending review, e girodivitismo vario che i Gpn proponevano di applicare, sarcasticamente, anche alla giustizia, annunziando l'approvazione di un curioso disegno di legge.

Considerato che correva l'anno 1999, sono stati buoni profeti.

Ho detto BUONI??

Ecco allora il testo, solo leggermente attualizzato per ridargli la giusta freschezza.

Al via l'attacco del legislatore italiano alle lentezze della giustizia. Ispirandosi all'Egitto dei Faraoni, la Commissione Giustizia del Senato ha approvato in sede delirante un provvedimento di estrema importanza. "Non riuscivamo a spiegarci come, mentre in Egitto sono state costruite le Piramidi e in Italia sono partite le indagini sul crack Cirio, Parmalat e Scommessopoli, non si riesca neppure a definire un processo. E, nell'antico Egitto, non ci risulta ci fossero cancellieri o personale amministrativo", ha dichiarato il presidente della Commissione, l'onorevole Bartolomeo Panza.
"Questo provvedimento, costituisce una nuova figura professionale, il Giudice Inferiore, ispirato alla manodopera dell'Era dei Faraoni, che crediamo possa costituire uno strumento prezioso per la risoluzione dei mali della Giustizia"
Il primo reclutamento avverrà in forma straordinaria: saranno immessi nei ruoli gli equipaggi dei primi 15 gommoni o carretti che attraccheranno all'Hotel Ergife di Roma, in qualsiasi stato di conservazione e manutenzione.
In caso di arrivo contestuale saranno valutati, nell'ordine, i seguenti titoli di preferenza: 
a) rapporti di parentela, affinità o coniugio con parlamentari, Punti 6; se inquisiti, Punti 7; 
b) documentata partecipazione a reality show  o cene eleganti, Punti 5; 
c) diploma di laurea conseguito a Tirana, Punti 4; 
d) disponibilità di prima casa con vista Colosseo, Punti 3; se per lascito di benefattore ignoto, Punti 4; 
e) aver trafugato documenti pontifici in data successiva alla Donazione di Costantino, Punti 2. 

Legge 14 gennaio 1999, n. 16, Istituzione del Giudice Inferiore, pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 124 del 14 aprile 1999

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domenica 27 maggio 2012

Legal Shots #1 - Il Tribunale di Gran Distanza

Milano, 2012

Dopo il Tribunale di Grande Istanza, la soluzione ai problemi della Giustizia è affidata al Tribunale a Gran Distanza.

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